The wisdom of not being surprised

deyufang Sophie The wisdom of not being surprised

The wisdom of not being surprised

The wisdom of not being surprised

Expanding the Self – A Journey Beyond Boundaries

In our daily lives, we often define ourselves by what we can perceive — our thoughts, bodies, and immediate surroundings. What lies outside our perception often feels separate and unrelated to our “self.” But have you ever stopped to question why we define ourselves this way?

This question ties directly to the wisdom behind the phrase “remaining unfazed by praise or blame.” Praise and blame represent two sides of the same coin, both capable of deeply impacting our emotional state. Praise, for instance, brings joy as we receive admiration and recognition. But this joy can also create dependency and fear — the desire to maintain that admiration and the anxiety of losing it.

Why do we care so much about how others perceive us? It’s rooted in our belief that we exist as distinct entities, separate from the world. We think of our bodies as “self” and perceive the world as “other.” But this separation is an illusion.

When we realize that we are one with the world, the weight of praise and blame starts to fade. We are more than the boundaries of our physical bodies. This shift in perspective allows us to dissolve the rigid lines we draw between “self” and “other.”

Through practices like gratitude and compassion, we can blur these boundaries. Gratitude teaches us to shrink the ego, while compassion helps us expand our connection to the world. Together, they dissolve the sharp edges of self-definition, bringing us closer to truth and harmony.

In ancient times, people lived in extended families where personal honor or disgrace was tied to the entire family. This structure naturally expanded the sense of “self” to include the family as a whole. By comparison, modern nuclear families often reinforce the idea of individualism.

To embrace ancient wisdom in today’s world, we can practice balancing the “self.” Expand your awareness to encompass the world while simultaneously cultivating humility and gratitude. By doing so, we soften the boundaries of ego and step closer to unity with the world around us.

Key Takeaway

The journey of expanding and shrinking the self leads us to a profound realization: we are both infinitely small within and boundlessly vast without.

博客:扩展自我——超越边界的旅程 中文版










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