A few years ago a young, hardworking, and talented head hunting consultant started learning meditation and oriental arts as a way of learning about herself and finding ways to improve her inner life. Soon she realised that her new found arts helped her create greater balance and refinement in all aspects of her life. As a way of sharing of this newfound blessing with others, she made a commitment to facilitate ways to help teachers and students on this path of self cultivation through virtue cultivation arts. This is the story of how our President and CEO, Sophie decided to setup a platform that helps those who are on this path of the Artists who refine themself and beautify the world through their arts.Through her travel and social interactions, Sophie has met some of the most remarkable teachers who could tremendously impact the world. She also meets people in search for answers, a lifestyle, and a group of friends who could work towards collective self refinement possible. Through Deyufang, she hopes to create the bridge between competent students and impactful teachers.

Deyufang is a young sapling right now. Me and my team will work hard, learn the lessons that need to be learnt, and grow it into a strong tree. We hope that the arts promoted and supported on this platform will act as seeds and fruits for the future generations to benefit from
