识人之术面相/体态/走路/声音The Art of Reading People: Face/Body/Walking Style/Voice

Sophie Deyufang The Art of Reading People

识人之术面相/体态/走路/声音The Art of Reading People: Face/Body/Walking Style/Voice

The Art of Reading People: Face/Body/Walking Style/Voice

How to Understand a Person’s Personality Through Their Face, Posture, Walking Style, and Voice

It’s commonly known that a person’s face can reveal a lot about their personality. Beyond the face, however, other elements like posture, walking style, and even the voice also offer insights into who someone truly is. For instance, when a person is angry, you can immediately tell from their facial expression. If someone remains in a constant state of anger, their facial muscles form muscle memory, which shapes their facial features over time.

When it comes to posture, we unconsciously adopt certain body positions when feeling down. If someone is consistently in a state of sadness or frustration, their posture will solidify into muscle memory, creating a permanent physical expression of that feeling. Walking style also reflects a person’s energy and personality. If someone lacks energy and is in a casual or carefree state of mind, they’ll naturally walk in a slow and unhurried manner.

The voice is another way our body expresses itself. Our bodies function as instruments that produce sound, and the healthier and more open our bodies are, the more harmonious and natural the sound we produce. However, if any part of the body is blocked or restricted, it will affect the sound we emit. Different voices correspond to different personality traits. Some people’s voices come from the chest, others from the throat, and some even sound as though they resonate from the top of the head. Each type of voice carries a distinct personality signature.

If you are particularly perceptive, you can even identify which personality type corresponds to which sound. Interestingly, you don’t have to learn these things in a formal way. You can simply simulate them. For example, when you observe someone’s face, try to feel what it would be like if you had that same face. How would you feel in that state? If this person maintains such a facial expression over time, it reflects their ongoing emotional state. Similarly, by mimicking someone’s walking style, you can feel what it’s like to walk in that particular way. The energy a person carries in their walk influences their personality.

The same goes for the voice. By imitating someone’s voice and experiencing how it feels to produce that sound, you can understand the type of energy they carry. If someone maintains that same sound for a long period, it will become a core part of their character.

Understanding a person doesn’t require memorizing a bunch of facts. Instead, it’s about sharpening your perception. By placing yourself in another person’s body, you can truly feel their energy. If a person is in a certain energy state for a long time, their personality will align with that state. Therefore, analyzing a person’s personality through their face, voice, posture, and walking style isn’t a complex science. It’s simply about enhancing your awareness.

The reason we often fail to perceive others accurately is that our own bodies are blocked, and our ability to empathize hasn’t fully developed. When we judge others harshly, we resist experiencing their energy. We may refuse to put ourselves in their shoes because we don’t like their face, their posture, or their walking style. But when we reduce the blocks within our bodies, and when we clear our energy, we can better understand both ourselves and others.

This kind of understanding is non-judgmental; it’s based on acceptance and empathy. Through this deeper understanding of others, we may find ourselves in a better position to help them. That’s all for today’s share. If you found this helpful, feel free to like, share, or recommend. Thank you!











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