道德经第十章专气致柔,能如婴儿 (回归婴儿状态的练习). Tao Teh Ching Chapter 10 Become as real as a baby

deyufang sophie Tao Teh Ching Chapter 10 Become as real as a baby

道德经第十章专气致柔,能如婴儿 (回归婴儿状态的练习). Tao Teh Ching Chapter 10 Become as real as a baby

Tao Teh Ching Chapter 10 Become as real as a baby

In Chapter 10 of the Tao Te Ching, Laozi shares a profound observation: “The purest energy, when soft, can be like that of an infant.” This sentence invites us to reflect on the natural state of the human body, urging us to return to the flexibility, vitality, and energy of an infant. But how can we reconnect with this youthful state of being?

What Makes an Infant Different from an Adult?

An infant’s body is incredibly soft, and their energy is abundant. The infant’s breath can flow freely throughout their body because there are no blockages. But as we grow, our minds accumulate countless thoughts, beliefs, and emotions that create physical blockages in our bodies. As a result, we become stiffer, less flexible, and more rigid, particularly as we age.

This rigidity is not only mental but also physical. Older individuals often become more stubborn, not just in their thoughts but also in their bodies. Years of accumulated thoughts and beliefs make their way into the body, blocking the natural flow of energy. The result is stiffness and a sense of loss of vitality. Eventually, the body becomes less useful, and we are left with the need to “renew” ourselves.

Returning to the State of an Infant

How do we return to this infant-like state of energy and flexibility? It begins with softening the body—not through physical exercises alone, like yoga, but by focusing on energy. Yoga can make you flexible, but without energy, it’s like a balloon without air—it becomes soft, but lifeless. True softness is only possible when we fill our body with energy, like a balloon filled with air.

How to Achieve This: Two Methods
  • Breathing Awareness

    Breathing is the key to reconnecting with the body. When you breathe, try to direct the breath throughout your entire body. If you can’t manage this at first, focus on one area of your body. Use your breath to bring awareness to that part. You’ll notice that even with each inhale and exhale, the energy will begin to move. Remember, this energy is not just air—it’s the flow of life force that can enter the body, unlike air which doesn’t go into the hands or arms. Begin by focusing your breath on a specific area, and the energy will follow.

  • Body Awareness Through Practice

    Another method is to develop awareness of your body through physical practice. This isn’t about strengthening muscles, but about sensing and awakening every part of your body. Using weight, force, or simple movements, you can heighten your awareness of different body parts. As you become more aware of them, your breath will naturally follow, helping you reconnect with your body in a way that opens up energy flow.


By combining breathwork and body awareness, we can return to a more flexible, energized state similar to that of an infant. This practice, as mentioned in the Tao Te Ching, helps us reclaim the pure energy and vitality that is naturally within us.

If you have any questions or thoughts on this practice, feel free to leave a comment or start a discussion. Thank you for reading!

道德经第十章专气致柔,能如婴儿 (回归婴儿状态的练习).

在《道德经》第十章中,老子提到一句深刻的见解:“专气至柔,能如婴儿之图。” 这一句话引导我们反思人体的自然状态,鼓励我们回到婴儿般的柔软、活力和能量状态。那么,我们如何才能重新连接到这种年轻的生命力呢?






  • 呼吸觉知


  • 通过身体练习提高觉知





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